Mango Parfait

Mango Parfait

Mango Parfait is an easy 2 ingredient fruit dessert. But I love it as my morning snack too. Every now and then I crave for the aphrodisiac nectar and the blissful aroma of a mango. I love it, I love it, I love it. 🙂 How can I ever explain the flavour of a mango? Myth says that the flower of the mango tree represents the cupid’s arrow and its fruit the aphrodisiac nectar.  No wonder it is called the ‘Love Fruit’.  In a few words, the taste of a mango is heavenly.

Unfortunately I do not get this magical fruit that often and have to make do with the ones that make way to the Danish super markets during summer. But none match up to the ones we get in India. So I resort to mango puree either homemade or using some store bought ones.  I use mango puree in a variety of recipes. Mango Lassi was one of the drinks I had shared earlier. So why not Mango Lassi and Parfait today? They are the exact same ingredients. Right?

Simply because, I am too lazy sometimes and do not want to add extra utensils to wash. 😛  Yup, I said it –  that’s it.  All you need is a glass and a spoon. 😛 Easy and yet a wholesome breakfast in itself.   This sweet summer dessert is healthy and colorful. Let’s jump right to it.

Mango Parfait

Serves 2


1 cup Mango Puree

1 cup Greek yogurt

4 tbsp chopped mango pieces (optional)


  1. Spoon 1/4 cup Greek yogurt and top it with 2 tablespoons mango puree into a tall glass.
  2. Repeat layers and top with chopped mango pieces if you get your hands to some good mangoes.
  3. Garnish with a mint leaf and serve chilled.


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Love & Hugs,


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